Tuesday, September 8, 2020

aren't we?

we could have been that couple who never fell out of love, doing all those things we thought about and talked about. 

i imagined us taking walks and sitting by the river, sharing books and coffee and kisses or a picnic we had prepared.  you pictured us chopping vegetables while stirring things up in the kitchen.

we didn't get to curl up together on the sofa to share popcorn and a favorite movie or take a drive with no destination in mind only to see what we could find.

there was so much more we could have shared, so many things i wanted to share...more music, art, poetry, books...and more lovemaking, always more lovemaking.

we could have talked about the poets and prophets, movies and theories, people and places.

we could have people watched and made up stories about their lives, and laughed until we cried.

we could have turned ice cream cones into erotic art with our tongues.

we could have turned simple minutes into special memories...

there was so much more to be known.

we could have been that couple who never grew tired of each other... i know this because i know myself and i know you.

we could have been that couple that stays in love forever...

but then my love, aren't we?


1 comment:

  1. Pure torture, all of these things. I walk around and see things and think of one person first. And then I sigh
