Sunday, November 6, 2022

what "womanhood" means - an essay by Mirela Bitoi

During the past decade I have been discovering womanhood and unlearning what it means to be a woman. I have fallen in love and devotion with its mysteries. I have committed to its ever changing waves and promised myself to walk this Earth in my too muchness, beauty and chaos. Rooted in my body, sovereign, whole and in presence with all of me.
The rise of the feminine is not only a higher number of women CEOs and in male dominated fields. It’s definitely NOT becoming more like men or making men be more like women, while dismissing gender differences. It is not staying forever in the oppressed /oppressor narrative either. It is NOT fitting into the current system as evenly as possible: NO.
It’s creating a new way, it’s returning to the Mother, uncovering the Good Noble Father, (not only the Patriarch). It’s the descend into the body — to lead from our minds and our hearts. Shaking the sophisticated appearances, peeling off the illusions and revealing our core, un-numbing ourselves.
For women it is getting rooted in our erotic and sensual authority — healing the shame and numbness that binds our bellies. Its allowing our sacred anger to move through, staying in our fire and respecting our cyclical nature.
Saying NO to performing, manipulating and pleasing. Saying YES to our ‘irrational’ truth, our womb knowing, and daring to inner-mother our most hurt, banished parts.
Refusing the fake-easy-way-out of blaming, guilting and demonising men: radical self-responsibility and shadow integration instead. Ultimately, its allowing us to be fully human — not just the good mother or the sexy girl, not just the seductress, the rebel or the fierce warriorres, not just the wild woman or the priestess. Not one, but ALL — every part of our psyche.
How would it be for men to witness the erotic force of women without controlling it, allowing and trusting their own desire without necessarily acting on it? Being in support spaces with other men, healing the mother wound and allowing their own feminine to exist?
There has been no greater repression of the feminine as in our men, and that is destroying us and the entire planet. Learning “Power-With” instead of “Power-Over” and rejecting the blunt idea that masculinity is toxic. Masculinity is beautiful, necessary and powerful.
Reclaiming my anger as vital and healthy, my joy as powerful, embodying the full spectrum of emotions as natural, and coming back into my messy body. Discovering my pleasure is my own — not for or because of men.
Finding the stories of my mother and grandmothers, father and forefathers brought back lost pieces of my soul and integrated me in my lineage — we are stronger when we untangle our heritage.
Baring my truth and cutting through movies and projections, finding my mid-line and moving into integrity, naming my hungers and stop starving. Honouring that everything in me wants to be heard and expressed.
Equally, one of my most potent lessons is loving, respecting, and receiving men. Allowing myself to be seen and held by them, dropping the pretenses and all the walls: deeply transforming medicine.
Letting myself be undone and renewed in the fullness of this togetherness.