all across the globe we are sharing this one experience. my hope is that this seemingly unreal crisis we are facing gives us something real to consider.
i hope it causes us to look at our lives and decide what our new normal will be in the aftermath.
i hope we are thinking about how we want to live and who we want to be.
i hope we are becoming more compassionate and more willing to serve the greater good.
i hope we are seeing what has real value in life and what does not.
i hope we are seeing what connects us as opposed to what separates us and thereby choose connection over separation.
i hope we will have learned to be more grateful for every sunrise we wake up to.
i hope we recognize that in order to have a better life we must choose it...
and if we want a better world we must be the change we wish to see.
i hope we put away the false need for stuff and realize our needs are basic and what we really need is each other.
i hope we choose simplicity.
i hope the spirit of generosity and care continue to override selfishness and apathy.
i hope we have all learned more about ourselves in order to exact change from ourselves and our government.
i hope we stop killing each other.
i hope we can create a new paradigm personally and globally.
i hope we realize that our individual time here is finite and in doing so we find joy in life.
i hope we learn that hate is destructive to all and has no place in the world and that love really is the answer.
i hope we choose wisely.
if what we are experiencing isn't a lesson in all of this i don't know what is, so i hope we learn and become what we can be. we have seen our potential and what we are capable of in every catastrophe we've experienced. after the storm passes i hope we do not forget who we really are.