there comes a time
when we stop fighting to fix
what is not ours to mend
and instead fight for ourselves.
there comes a time
when we must let go
and allow everyone to be
whomever and however they are.
there comes a time
when we must choose ourselves
and realize we are not broken
we are simply neglected and hurting,
there comes is a time
when we stop trying to be better
for everyone else
and begin being better for ourselves.
there comes a time when the need
for authenticity, simplicity, and truth
outweigh the need to bow
to the expectations of others.
there comes a time when we recognize
that our own needs are legitimate,
so we choose to stop hurting others
and we choose to stop hurting ourselves.
there comes a time we understand
that we must confront our fear,
risking all that we've known
and face any consequences that may come.
when this time comes we stand,
facing the unknown to take our first steps
on the only journey that matters
as we begin walking ourselves home.
for and inspired by Jason 💗