Wednesday, June 17, 2020

i am

i am the nature of the divine
in human form
the life giver
the creative force 
the mother, the maiden, the crone

i have earned the title of goddess
through gut wrenching pain and darkness
through all my mistakes and fears
prayers and tears

and i have become strong
stronger than anything that has challenged me
i have stumbled often
but i have not fallen

my power lies within my feminine nature
and like nature herself
i am the truth and the trickster
the light and the darkness
the creator of life
the destroyer of illusion

yet through all of the shattering
i have maintained my softness
my vulnerability
choosing love over fear
and freedom over confinement

i am the innocence of youth
and the wisdom of age
daughter of the earth and sky
my feet rooted in the earth
and my arms reaching to the heavens

(c)sm cooper