Saturday, August 20, 2022

i never knew

 i came across this piece of writing the other night as i was going through a notebook.  i have a habit of writing thoughts down whenever they come and wherever i can find paper and pen at the moment.  this was written some months ago...

i never knew

there was a time when i thought i was whole.

i thought i didn't really need what i now find i do.  

i thought if i tried hard enough i could convince myself that love and passion weren't necessary, that something must be wrong with me, that these needful feelings would fade and i could adapt like so many women i knew.  i really hoped this was true.

you proved to me it wasn't.  i never knew how much woman i could be until i became her with you.  i never knew the power in me until you unleashed it.  only with you did i become the untamed lioness and queen.

until you i never knew.

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