Saturday, August 20, 2022

i never knew

 i came across this piece of writing the other night as i was going through a notebook.  i have a habit of writing thoughts down whenever they come and wherever i can find paper and pen at the moment.  this was written some months ago...

i never knew

there was a time when i thought i was whole.

i thought i didn't really need what i now find i do.  

i thought if i tried hard enough i could convince myself that love and passion weren't necessary, that something must be wrong with me, that these needful feelings would fade and i could adapt like so many women i knew.  i really hoped this was true.

you proved to me it wasn't.  i never knew how much woman i could be until i became her with you.  i never knew the power in me until you unleashed it.  only with you did i become the untamed lioness and queen.

until you i never knew.

Friday, August 5, 2022

grieving all things

it is nearing my 67th birthday.  i'm not sure how i feel about this.  part of me is mourning the passage of time and how little seems to be left considering most of my life is now behind me.  in my mind i have always told myself i'll live to be a ripe old age of 88.  in reality i know the odds of that a slim considering my health issues.  the other part of me is grateful for the time i have had and have left and that i am still capable of looking after myself and having somewhat of a life, although not quite the one i would like.

i mourn the life i knew at one time...the country life, growing my own produce and living more naturally and happily.  i know i can never go back and in some ways i wouldn't want to.  but i get down because there are things i cannot do alone.  things i want to do.  i sometimes feel i have no support, no one to help.  well actually that's not a feeling, that's the truth of it. and i often don't mind being alone.  in fact i sometimes prefer it. but i don't like feeling alone.  i admit, there are times when i greatly miss having a partner to not just share the load, but to feel supported. 

tonight i felt as if i were mourning my past life, my current life, those i have lost in life and those i'm on the verge of losing.  it doesn't help that covid is still a major factor in outings and living in a small town offers little of interest.  maybe i'm just focusing on the negative tonight.  all i know is i feel overwhelmed and dismal. all i want to do is eat, cry and smoke a cigarette. the latter i won't do but not doing it is why i've gained wait and gaining weight is why i'm hating on myself.

i want this coming birthday week to be a good one, one of celebration.  right now that feels impossible.