Tuesday, September 1, 2020


What Happened To The 'Harvest Moon?' Why This Week's Full Moon Has A  'Backup' Name

i have a date with the moon tonight

and a promise to show up as my true self,

to bathe naked in her light.

i will wear only moonstone as a bridge

between the moon and me

and hematite to ground me in the truth.

i will allow her light to permeate my dark places

and all the fragmented pieces of myself

so i may become a more compassionate friend to myself

to end pisces cycle of old beliefs and limitations

and heal wounds both old and recent.

i will petition mother moon

to help me to no longer condemn my feelings and sensitivities

but instead hold them close to bless them

and thank them for their medicine 

so i am able to release them and begin fresh. 

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