Wednesday, May 20, 2020

this woman

i have hated this woman at times...probably more times than i've loved her.
i have fed her stories and lies about herself, told her she wasn't good enough or simply not enough.  sometimes i still do.

i've allowed others to treat her poorly, to break her and make her feel inadequate.  she has torn down walls and battled for others who failed to appreciate or stand up for her.

she has been beaten, abandoned had her spirit broken and her light dimmed, and despite this she still rises and loves deeply and believes she has light inside her.

this woman has had to be strong enough to carry on time and again while paralyzed by fear.

she has struggled to forgive herself for mistakes made as a mother, a partner, a friend.

this woman has a dirty mind, a smart mouth, scars and she keeps secrets...hers and other's.

she had done good things and bad things.
there are those who love her, those who like her and those who don't, but she's ok with that. 

this woman spends too much time in her mind and in her pajamas.
she seldom wears make-up but wears her gray hair like a crown.

she is who she is.  she won't pretend to be anyone she isn't. 

sometimes she is silly, but often she is sad. life and circumstance have made her this way, so when she smiles you can trust it's genuine.

she knows she's not perfect, in fact broken in some ways, but she has worth and she is still standing.
this woman knows she's a warrior even though some days she tires of the fight.

this woman is lover, life giver, and embodies strength and persistence.  she is a realist yet a dreamer, a wisdom seeker and a healer.  

you can love her or not love her, but if she loves you she will love all of you with her whole heart.  

this woman is a queen.  she just needs reminded sometimes.

this woman is me.

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