Wednesday, April 22, 2020

only options

sometimes we are done
done with pretending
done with not being who we are
done with living joylessly
done with not feeling connected to our soul
just done

so we make hard decisions
undo our lives to start over
accept momentary pain
over a lifetime of suffering
choosing to thrive
rather than survive

we choose to stop dying for everyone else
and start living for ourselves
however that looks
whatever it takes
knowing it won't be easy
but knowing we are strong enough

there will be times
when we question everythimg
every choice
every action
every option
every possibility

we will be afraid 
tempted to return to our comfort zone
wondering if the choices we made
were right or wrong

but we must reach deep
and be brave enough 
to see where life will take us
and awake enough to remember 
there is no right or wrong
only options


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