Thursday, January 7, 2021

What The World Needs Now

"Go home. We love you. You're very special" These are the words of Donald Trump after his cult like supporters rioted, stormed and looted the US Capitol yesterday.

Recently, i cannot help but think of Jim Jones when i think of DT. You remember him? If you don't, he was a cult leader back in the 60s-70s who orchestrated a mass murder/suicide of 918 people, (304 of them were children), which took place in Nov. 1978 in Guyana. That's where the saying, "they drank the Kool-aid" came from. Most of them died from consuming cyanide laced Flavor-aid.

I guess the reason i compare DT to Jim Jones is, he obviously holds that same kind of power over some people. For instance, like those who stormed the Capitol. They followed his urging like sheep to the slaughter.

When an evil person gains power, there are always those ready and willing to follow. Look at what Hitler's army was able to do. We can compare DT to Hitler or any number of egotistical, mentally unstable and insecure parasites who play on people's fears and get others to do their dirty work.

I guess I'm just thinking out loud in a sense, wondering what makes people so unable to think or act rationally and to be so easily taken in, unable see that they're being manipulated. None of these so called "leaders" gave a damn about the people who bowed down to them. All any of them cared about was maintaining control and power. Their journey in life has been governed by greed, narcissism and ego stemming from their own fear and insecurity. The same holds true for Trump. And like history has shown, if he goes down he will take as many with him as he can and those who have been smart enough to wake up from their Trump induced coma will aid his demise.

I've always been a believer that light will find its way into the darkness and expose people and things as to who or what they actually are. Yesterday the light shone bright into the darkness of DT and his minions. If you couldn't see it, then you would literally have to be blind, deaf and dumb to any form of rationality.

I think one of the lessons we can take from this is to encourage others (especially our children) to think rationally and independently, to question everything, to look deeper, to not accept any so called "truth" until it's been examined without bias, whether it be political, religious or otherwise. It's not necessarily wise to take what your politicians, your church, the news or even your parents tell you at face value without looking at it from every side with an OPEN mind. Now more than ever the world seems to be in dire need of more critical thinkers.

s. cooper

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