Thursday, September 10, 2020

having courage fucked me up

came across this today on my fb timeline from 2 years ago.  having courage seems to have fucked me up.  i followed my heart, i took risks, i pissed people off, i believed in love, blah, blah, blah.    that courage has gotten me two years worth of regret and two years older. i guess i was the only one brave enough to actually put it on the line.   

Have the courage.

Have the courage to try.
Have the courage to be you, who you really are.
Have the courage to piss people off by making choices that align with your heart.
Hell, have the courage to follow your heart.
Have the courage to love.
To hope.
To believe in forever.
Have the courage to leave masks behind.
To say screw make-up and beauty products that convince you you’re flawed.
To be real, messy, fleshy, dirty and absolutely delicious.
Have the courage to dismiss labels and styles and to look beyond appearances to souls.
Have the courage to live a life you love.
To say no. And really mean it.
To not apologize, justify or even offer to make up for it.
Just No.
Have the courage to leave behind the script for normalcy and not feel guilt because it never felt like it fit.
Have the courage to call out fakeness.
The courage to ask for what you need and to walk away from anyone that can’t offer you just that.
Have the courage to believe in the once in a lifetime kind of love.
Have the courage to have confidence in yourself and dreams.
In your visions and beliefs.
In the life YOU want to live.
Because I promise you there’s no gold medal at the end of all this for following the rules of men.
For being or living how we’re supposed to.
How others think we should.
So have the courage...
The courage to truly live.
Author: Kate Rose

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