Tuesday, August 18, 2020

tuesday morning questions

awakened by garbage trucks

i do not want to leave the bed

still smelling of union

even with the window open

he the first thought to materialize 

the dishes continue to pile

his towel left hanging by the shower

my cinderella slippers lay seductively by the bed

ten minutes up and i am in tears

how do i do this?  what do i do

when he is vital like the blood in my veins

when we breathed each other in

like life sustaining oxygen?

how many losses does one have to bear?

no doubt there will be more

i am useless to myself or anyone else

and why wouldn't i be?

i pleaded for help last night

begging whatever gods or entities that might exist

no comfort came    no answers heard

only guttural sobs echoing through the night

how can something so beautiful

not be right   not be meant to be

not be allowed to be mine

just this once?

how do i bear never seeing his face 

his brown eyes looking back at me

or my finger never tracing the curve of his ear 

or his lips again?

and where will i worship

when my need to taste him

and the spirit of desire

demands i offer my sacred vessel?

my cruel lover   

you have left your imprint and a memory

on everything around me and in me

why did you do this knowing 

you would never be mine?


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