Saturday, August 29, 2020

i am this woman

i will never be the kind of woman who keeps her mouth shut and let's her fears or her unsaid words eat a whole in her gut.  i will ask hard questions and address issues and get to the root of things.  

i'm the kind of woman who will expose herself heart and soul and push you to know yourself and do the same.  i want to be real, i am real, and i want that for you as well because real is the only way to be.  i don't want fluff and courtesy, i want truth and trust, genuine decency and compassion that flows from the soul.  i want us to burn away the bullshit and be as real as real can be.

i am a woman who knows what she wants and know that i do not want a mindless kind of love that is so often witnessed in other couples.  i won't settle for lukewarm.  you will feel my love and know my passion.  but i am not all fire and passion.  there is a side of me that is soft, nurturing and sensitive that wants to wrap her love around you like a soft quilt and warm you inside like a cup of hot cocoa.  and in all things i can give as good as i get, perhaps more.

i am like the earth, rock solid and like her waters, flow with the tide.  i am the woman who will be there, who will stand in the fire with you, dance with you in the eye of the hurricane and fight tooth and nail alongside you and for you, and i will take you places you might never have been. 

i may be difficult and irritating at times, like a pebble in your shoe, but when i say i'm sorry i will mean it and through it all you will know love.  

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