Wednesday, July 15, 2020

lessons learned

we make plans...the best of plans and yet we can never know for sure how things will turn out.  sometimes as expected but sometimes not.  the only way we'll ever know is to take that step forward.  eventually you will get to where you need to be even if there are detours and even if it's not where you expected to be.

here are just a few of the things i've learned in my years on this planet:

  • we humans are extremely resilient 
  • life's journey is a path to finding ourselves and discovering what really matters  
  • if we pay attention, life often guides us with subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) signs
  • if we don't decide what we want and what's best for us someone else will decide for us
  • we all make "mistakes" but are they really mistakes?
  • quiet your thoughts and trust your gut 
  • change is inevitable and necessary
  • not choosing is choosing
  • the straightest path to self growth is followed by stepping into our fear
  • you have to become your own savior because no one else is going to rescue you
  • there comes a time when you have to choose what's best for you not necessarily what's best for everyone else
  • material things don't matter much
  • loss is inevitable
  • you will survive
  • keep the faith
  • breathe deeply, exhale.  repeat as often as necessary and let that shit go
  • life goes on
  • love is the greatest healer, the greatest gift and in the end, all that really matters

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