Saturday, July 4, 2020

i want to write

tonight i want to write about the passion
how he grabs my hips and tugs my hair
how we share the mutual dance
of dominance and submission

i want to speak of the tenderness
yet the raw lust as well
how we make love
and how we fuck

how despite what goes on behind closed doors
no matter how hot and dirty it gets
there is such trust
and respect for one another

how he submits completely
seeking my command and approval
with the wide eyed innocence of a boy
that causes me to adore him even more

how he takes command
never tiring of exploring me
watching and sensing the depth of my response
making my pleasure his very own

i want to speak with him
of these moments we've shared
and memories we've made
but it's not always possible

so i reminisce and write
and as i do i imagine and relive it
rekindling my desire for him
for us
for what we know

i write in bits and pieces
remembering what has been
to make it more than fantasy
to make it solid and real

i want to think and write tomorrows
instead of only yesterdays
but there is only then and now
so instead i hold my breath

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