Saturday, March 28, 2020

things i want to say to you, most i already have

i love you and no matter how may times i say it, it doesn't lose its depth or meaning. 

i'm afraid, because time will continues to pass and i want to spend as much as i can with you.  i think of a life with you and then i question if that would even be fair to you. 

i'm envious of the woman you live with and i believe no matter what you may say she does not and cannot appreciate you like i do.  i don't believe it's within her experience to do so.  it makes me somewhat angry that she doesn't know what she has and i do, and i want you to be mine so you can feel loved, desired and appreciated every day.

i cry too often when i think of you and us and how much i love and miss you, your touch, your face, your love and affection.

i feel all this love bottled up in me that is constantly waiting to be given to and shared with you so sometimes i cry just because my need to express these feelings is so overpowering and there's no way to touch you or hold you or care for you.   

i cannot go to bed at night without thinking of you touching me and me touching you as i lay there waiting for sleep.

i love your kisses and crave your mouth on mine. 

too often i wonder what you are doing as the day progresses.

your eagerness and desire thrills me.  i imagine your hungry kisses and your arms around me and i melt at the thought.  you stir me in ways and to a degree that no one ever has.  i've never known this level of chemistry.

my heart needs you.  my soul needs you.  my body needs you.

i can hardly stand the thought of you making love to another woman.  i'm not proud of this, but it's true.

i admire your character.  you are a good person and i recognize this. 

i think you embody the perfect balance of reason and romanticism.

you strengthen me and build my confidence.

i don't want to need you but i do.

i want what time we share to be enough, but it seems to never be enough.  it only makes me want you more. 

i believe some people were just meant to be together and few are fortunate enough to find each other. 


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