Saturday, March 14, 2020

something good this way comes?

it is sat, march 14, 2020.  we are seeing fear and panic strike the entire country.  people are stockpiling and as advised, going into isolation to protect themselves and others.  businesses and schools are shutting down and major events are being canceled.  the country is in solidarity for the most part to prevent a worse catastrophe such as countries like china and italy are experiencing since the virus covid19 has reared its head.

it sounds like a scene from an apocalyptic movie as people prepare for the worst and hope for the best.  yet despite the concerns, the sudden lifestyle changes and the very real possibility of sickness, financial loss and yes, even death, something else is happening...

i've heard that the skies in china have become blue again and birds are singing, i've seen the isolated apartment dwellers in italy open their windows and join their neighbors in song.  banks and credit companies are showing good faith, offering to work with those who, due to loss of work are unable to keep up with payments.  utility companies are refusing to terminate services for the same reason.  schools are offering to deliver meals to children who are dependent on school meals and are now confined to home.  people are offering to help deliver goods to the elderly and those at higher risk.  suddenly we are showing our humanity despite political or religious differences, despite color or country of origin.

maybe this is just the wake up call the world needs. maybe we, as humans taking advantage and taking for granted, have created this need for unification and now the universe/god/nature has responded in a way we can no longer ignore.  whatever the case may be, we will persevere and get through this.  perhaps not all of us, but most of us and with any luck maybe those who do will come out of this as better, more compassionate humans. this is what the planet needs.

what is happening now is a solemn reminder that we are not in control, but we are our brothers keeper.  i believe we will be better served by holding onto hope, a generous spirit and practicing gratefulness rather than fearfulness.  these are my thoughts.  coming from someone who leans towards melancholy, is at a higher risk and lives alone, i know the next few months may be trying on my spirit but if the fates allow, i will survive.

as we venture into unknown territory i can't pretend i'm not concerned, especially for those close to me whose health is seriously compromised, but i also know the outcome is out of my hands and only time will tell.

as shift happens may peace and common sense be with us.

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