Friday, October 18, 2019

on a country road

i can't tell you how many times i walked this road. sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the wee hours of night. sometimes to visit a neighbor, sometimes to clear my head, sometimes to simply commune with nature.
5 years ago today my daughter took this photo looking west on township road 1210 in ashland county. this is where coop and i lived (twice!) and later she lived, and where my kids were primarily raised. our house can't be seen in the photo. it was an old 2 story farm house on the right side of the road, on the curve.
it was not uncommon to see deer frolicking in the field to the left or crossing through our yard to the gully and creek behind the house. that was where they gathered for a drink of water and to rest, out of sight to passers by, yet i could always see them from my kitchen window. often i would watch a flock of wild turkey wander through or a mamma turkey leading her young ones up the road.
life has changed and changed me a lot, but so many of the memories i treasure most were made while living on this country road.

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