Saturday, May 22, 2021

notes to a born self

 from kamal ravikant, an excerpt from "Notes to a Born Self" ~

- You are worthy. The sooner you accept that, the sooner life will zing.
- Break rules. The rewards greatly outnumber the punishments.
- Everything is an experience. In the now, that’s it.
- Good and bad are labels. Be with the experience, not the label.
- You are special. Treat yourself well.
- I repeat: you are fucking special. Don’t accept less from anyone.
- Love requires risk. It’s worth it.
- The more you close your heart, the more it gets broken. Funny how that works.
- Your mind is not far removed from a monkey. Don’t trust it.
- Your inner self, the quiet and deep part within, trust that.
- Every day, spend time in gratitude.
- Every day, create something.
- Love yourself. It works wonders.
I am a later version of you. Before I know it, there will be a later version of me. And before he knows it, no more. Poof, a wisp of stardust, gone. Leave behind a life that mattered. I love you.