Friday, January 24, 2020

questions we're afraid to ask

are you brave enough
to stand in the fire
and not run 
when the flames rise high?

are you strong enough
to hold onto me in the flood
while i'm drowning
and want to let go?

are you willing
to hold me
when the storms rage 
and fill me with fear?

and can you love me
when i'm unlovable
and cannot
love myself?


like broken glass

under the covers
rejecting life, afraid of truth
only darkness and sleep
can sooth the pain
of who I am

the thoughts
of everything and nothing
shattered and scattered
reflect my weakness
this incompleteness

close my eyes
let the tears fall
of their own will
while I make my escape
into oblivion


Friday, January 17, 2020

Night Tears by Oriah

this seems to resonate with me today as i sit at my desk, grieving my daughter's pain, feeling my own in knowing what's to eventually come.  i wish to run, escape from what i feel, but that isn't possible.  the best i can do is feel what i feel and accept that life is unfair much of the time.  life wounds us and we may never heal completely.  maybe we aren't meant to because those wounds are what can open our heart, or for that matter close it.  we get to choose.  whether consciously or not, i have chosen to allow it to open mine.  therein lay the gift amidst the pain. my heart breaks open and love spills out.  - sc

There is a crying
that happens at night
that does not come
while the light is with us.
There are things that cannot
be evaded
once the sun goes down.
Small nocturnal creatures
with sharp white teeth
silently gnaw at the edges of
belly and heart
when the darkness descends
and the void inside
grows larger.
It can split you open.
And the bone
in the centre of your chest
like the cracked wishing bone
from the turkey breast.
And if we are strong enough
to be weak enough
we are given a wound
that never heals.
It is the gift
that keeps the heart open.
Oriah Mountain Dreamer © 1995

Saturday, January 4, 2020


I want to live my life as a prayer 
and a ritual 
weaving reverence 
into every day 
of this human experience.

jan. 4th, 2020

change (saturday morning thoughts)

change - it's what life is about.  we grow, we change, we evolve.  our hopes, desires, and dreams change.  our needs change.  we make choices.  we are always on a path of change and discovery.  if we ignore it, if we refuse to change or accommodate our needs, we stagnate.  we often force ourselves to stay in situations that are not healthy for us or others, out of obligation, insecurity or fear.  if we fear change then we are stuck, always accepting less than we'd like or we need, constantly battling within ourselves.   life is change.  being able to embrace change and see where it takes you is living. 

Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone. Billy Cox

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. Socrates 

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited about what could go right. Tony Robbins